Training Topic for the day:
In the Direct Selling Industry, how many people actually recruit new members?
70% recruit 0
20% recruit 1 or 2
5% recruit 3 to 5
3% recruit 6 to 9
Only 2% will sponsor 10 people or more!
This 2% is the group that brings the most volume and results to make up for the group of 70%!
To be part of the 2%, you have to think about how you will sponsor 10 people or more. It starts with the company. Here at ByDzyne, we give you the power of choice to do whatever it is that makes you happy and will motivate you to be a part of 2%. Why make ByDzyne your home?
Concept of ByDzyne
1. When you become a member of ByDzyne, you don’t have to sell don’t and you don’t have to recruit, but you can earn income.
2. We have both physical and digital products. Digital products help you grow fast, physical products help you become stable
3. We want everyone at ByDzyne to have the lifestyle they deserve.
4. ByDzyne is at the forefront of the technology trend that will see MLM changing to an e-commerce platform.
What we sell
ByDzyne is not a product company or a compensation plan company. We are a people’s company. Whatever YOU want, is what you can BUILD at ByDzyne. Whatever is your concept or your vision for your organization, we can help you make that happen and take you to the top through our various top trending verticals.
Our concept in detail:
Transform – skincare, supplement
How do you become a part of the 2%?
To build a strong company, we must create leaders.
The traits of a good leader
Problem solver
Big Vision
Create action and result
A good leader has a good System and you know you have a good system when
Everybody knows it. Everybody does it. It works!
With these qualities, you have a real chance at becoming the a part of the top 2%! If you already consider yourself ready to be a part of the cream of the crop, take the 20/30 challenge today!
Sponsor 20 people in 30 days