EMF 101 RECAP: Episode 4

EMF 101 RECAP: Episode 4

Technology is now our second-skin in this digital age, and as a result, exposes us to EMFs 24/7. With more awareness of possible negative effects, what are you doing to safeguard you and your family? Through its proprietary bio-energetic technology, BD Protect harmonizes EMF waves and supports your health and well-being as you are exposed every minute of every day.

What do I do with my BD Protect sticker when I change my electronic device? Well, the BD Protect stickers are easy to remove and transfer to another device. Their adhesive power is durable and remains intact. Learn more about your sticker and watch Marty Grosjean answer your queries about BD Protect. In his detailed presentation, Marty educates us on the use of ancient and modern technology in the making of BD Protect. Watch this episode and get more information on:

> Use of quantum physics in BD Protect
> Why safeguard against EMFs?
> BD Protect EMF+ technology
> How does BD Protect work?
> The different BD Protect products
> Effectiveness of BD Protect and age of the user

Our expert, Marty then answers questions relating to expiration date of the BD Protect products and the need to recharge them after prolonged use. He informs that there is no expiration date of any of the BD Protect products and there is no need to recharge them as well. EMF 101 indeed is a productive session about a line of products that are essential in this electronic age.

About Marty Grosjean
Marty Grosjean is the founder and CEO of Life Harmony Energies, the company behind the BD PROTECT EMF protection products. Marty and his partners in Europe have been developing and distributing bio-energetic healthcare products for over 20 years. Their proprietary technology is a unique approach to supporting health through the application of quantum energy at the sub-atomic level, which in the case of EMF protection involves neutralizing the harmful energy in EMF radiation and supporting the body energetically.
Marty is a serial entrepreneur and has founded six companies in his career, most of them in the area of holistic healthcare. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado and an MBA from California State University. Marty and the Life Harmony Energies team are based in Boulder, Colorado.

Watch the replay of the training and share BD Protect with everyone you know.