Do I need to retake the Xceler8 Skin Survey every 30 days?

Your skin is an organ that continually changes depending on your location, environmental factors, healthcare, and other unique factors. It is advised that you retake the skin care survey every 30 days as your responses might be different and thus your formula might change slightly. Update your formula by retaking the skin care survey every 30 days and make sure your unique skin is supported.

If you do not want to take the Xceler8 Skin Survey, here is a general formula for 2 different skin needs:
For Skin Balancing: Carefully let 2 drops of each booster drop into each of the morning and night creams, mix, and use.
For Anti-Aging: Carefully let 7 drops of each booster drop into each of the morning and night cream, mix, and use.

Category: Xceler8