Pain sucks! Can CBD help?

Pain sucks! Can CBD help?

Why you should try the latest pain remedy in the market!

Millions of people all over the world suffer from pain. It comes from hours of sitting at the desk, looking down at your phone or even from something more serious like sciatica or arthritis. Because of the wear and tear of daily life, we’re always on the lookout for effective treatments. With the growing popularity of CBD, it’s worth looking into the benefits of this highly misunderstood, but actually considerably safe form of treatment.

A study was conducted recently by the scientists at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health as well as the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute. The study showed that 50 million adults in the U.S live with chronic pain. Of those 50, 11 million deal with High Impact Chronic Pain. Unfortunately pain is a part of every day life for too many people. Pain management is not something new and there have been plenty of relief products in the market from steroids to lotions and balms – many of which have been said to have adverse effects over time.

Fortunately for us, Mother Nature created cannabis, a bountiful herb with a variety of therapeutic ingredients and healing properties. Modern science has been able to derive a botanical-based treatment to create modern day CBD pain relief rubs which can safely, effectively, and non-addictively produce lasting relief from chronic pain. It is also safe to say that CBD pain relief rubs are totally non-toxic, and have few to no side effects.

How does it work?

Cannabinoids like CBD, attach themselves to specialized receptors in a person’s brain and immune system. One of these receptors, called a CB2 receptor, plays a role in the immune system by managing pain and inflammation. Researchers suggest that when CBD enters a person’s body, it may attach to CB2 receptors. It might even cause the body to produce natural cannabinoids that attach to the CB2 receptors. Any way you look at it, scientists think CBD certainly affects the way these receptors respond to the signals that they receive, possibly helping reduce inflammation and pain.

The good news is that because of the popularity of CBD pain relief rubs, there’s new research findings coming out every day, maybe even more than any other topical remedy. We have a feeling  science and government laws will catch up with CBD’s popularity and credibility soon enough.

What DOES science say so far about the use of CBD?

Cannabis has a long history of being used medicinally for literally thousands of years, as far back as 2600 B.C. Its effectiveness is not something novel. Yet in recent years, it has been taken into mainstream science with numerous studies showing how CBD and (THC) produce prominent healing effects for many types of pain – general, chronic, and more popular pain related to chemotherapy and MS.

Is CBD safe to use?

Let’s back track a little to understand where the controversy of CBD originates and why it actually IS safe to use.

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the Cannabaceae family consisting of three primary species: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabis is the only plant genus that contain hundreds of unique chemical compounds called cannabidiols, that are extracted for different purposes – the most talked about are CBD and THC. CBD promotes wellness in a non-psychoactive manner, whereas THC is psychoactive.

Hemp and marijuana varieties of the Cannabis Sativa species that we are most familiar with. (These given names are simply broad classifications of cannabis that have been adopted into culture. They are not legitimate nomenclature for the cannabis plant).

The main difference between the two – hemp is used for product manufacturing and marijuana is used to get you high. Hemp refers to the variety that is bred specifically to produce fibre used in clothing and other materials, oils, lotions, salves and seeds and other foods. Hemp therefore contains very low (0.3%) percent of the psychoactive compound THC.

Marijuana is the variety of Cannabis Sativa that is bred specifically for its medical or psychoactive effects. This is main and most distinct difference between the two varieties, that even look very similar but are often indistinguishable to those unaware (thereby causing controversy).

Coming to CBD products then, they are made either solely using CBD or in conjuncture with the its other cannabidiol cousins. Therefore, CBD products without THC are non-psychoactive, effective and produce little to no side effects. CBD products with low levels of THC are also effective in the same manner but may be psychoactive and could show up on a drug test. 

Depending on how comfortable you are with the presence of THC in your CBD product, be sure to check the labels and make an informed decision about whether you would prefer the presence of THC or not.

Can CBD be used for pain management?

Studies show that CBD interacts with both your brain receptors and your immune system. These receptors receive chemical signals from stimuli and help your cells answer to those signals. When your receptors react with CBD, they form anti-inflammatory effects and therefore reduce pain. If you’re considering trying out CBD for pain management, here’s a few things before you begin:

  • Be an informed customer and learn about the legality of CBD in your area.
  • Educate yourself about the product you’re using.
  • Talk to a doctor before beginning treatment, preferably one familiar with alternative and holistic medicine.
  • Start your routine with the lowest doses possible and work your way up to the recommended dose if you want to start slow. Use whatever kind of product you feel most comfortable with.

ALLUR offers CBD balms and tinctures to help with overall wellness. ALLUR is considered a hemp product containing CBD which has been shown to provide numerous therapeutic and preventative benefits. 

ALLUR broad spectrum products contain non-detectable THC and users will not experience any psychoactive effects. We also have a full spectrum tincture available in our CBD line. Read more about our products to know about how they work, recommended dosages and how you can best benefit from CBD.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. ALLUR is not meant to treat or cure any disease. ByDzyne does not make nor support any medical claims related to this product.